Teal Dots in an Orange World

Erik Korsvik Østergaard

LID Publishing

The fourth industrial revolution demands new approaches to organisational structures and teams. Are small, self-managed teams, in a team-of-teams structure needed to remain relevant to employees and customers, and in order to adapt to a changing world?

Teal Dots in an Orange World draws on the workings of 2014’s Reinventing Organisations by Frederic Laloux, which discusses the five organisational stages to the modern workforce; the Red, Amber, Orange, Green and Teal stages.

In it, Østergaard argues that the classical corporate structure at the Orange stage has experienced a rise in teal dots, or rather, neo-modernist forms of team-oriented organisms, which express a reorganisation for the future workforce. Østergaard is Partner and Founder of Bloch&Østergaard, a Danish leadership advisory company.

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